Daily yield datas of animals would be recorded automatically through the use of technology in milking parlors with computer. In herringbone installations, which are frequently used, animal entering the milking parlor would be identified through electronical device on its collar and the amount of milk it gives during milking process would be sent to Herd Management System automatically. Potential mastitis symptoms in udders can be easily detected during milking process.

When the accounting calculation is clearly presented in modern dairies, it can be seen that feeding costs, prepared food mixture in particular have a big share on this accounting. Most appropriate solution of technology to this issue is Hand Feeding Systems. In Hand Feeding Systems, animal can approach the machine whenever it wants and it would be identified by the electronical device on its collar. Prepared food in accurate amount would be consumed by animal after its need of energy is calculated according to yield of milk and lactation positioning. By this means, it is possible to determine the animals that do not have enough food, and to prevent milk loss and lubricating of some animals due to overly feeding.

These technological solutions that provide first installation costs at short notice would make modern dairies resistant against problems, even exogenous financial issues. A dairy that catches the estrus in time can save at least 400 TL and reductions happened in yield of milk would be solved without having animal loss in a dairy that monitors the milking process right.

Lastly, let’s give good news. All of these technologies can be presented in our country through studies of Turkish engineers. They are indeed provided with big price advantages and relevant costs for all of our customers.

Fatih Mehmet GÜLEÇ
Certified Engineer