’s news dated 7 April 2014 gave place to turn-key basis milking parlors developed by Algan Software. General Director of Algan Software and IT, Fatih Mehmet GÜLEÇ stated that researches for entering the Bulgaria market continue and Middle East and North Africa are also two of their objectives..
Algan is on BThaber with its turn-key basis milking parlors.’s news dated 7 April 2014 gave place to turn-key basis milking parlors developed by Algan Software.
General Director of Algan Software and IT, Fatih Mehmet GÜLEÇ stated that “in the road we have started with important missions such as supporting production of technology, supporting financial improvement with technological improvement, providing modern techniques to our nation in our country we continue our works with a vision enabling us having a say in developed countries and studies based on R&D.
Our R&D policy is based on cooperation with universities, which are important R&D dynamics of our country, to reach these goals; therefore, we have academical professionals in our company’s board of management. Customer-oriented software services, husbandry sector, software and automation systems to transportation sector, software services to educational institutions, document management systems are the products of our RFID systems. We continue our activities in Hacettepe Technocity.”
He also stated that researches for entering the Bulgaria market continue and Middle East and North Africa are also two of their objectives.